Last Monday we talked about how gratitude is a practice-something we do-and how it impacts the brain in several positive ways. Today we’ll dive into some of the physical, mental/emotional/spiritual, social, and professional benefits of practicing gratitude regularly.
Remember, practice is the ongoing doing, not just thinking. According to and
Physical benefits of practicing gratitude include:
o Improved sleep – gratitude drives negative thoughts away, so you’re more peaceful
o Lowers high blood pressure – because you’re more positive, you make more healthy food and lifestyle choices, like exercising more
o Prevent overeating – because you’re focusing on what you have, rather than what you’re craving
o Strengthens the immune system – which pairs with sleep
o Helps keep glucose levels in check
o Helps people with heart illness – reduces inflammation markers
Mental/emotional/spiritual benefits of practicing gratitude include:
o Boosts self-confidence
o Improves patience and resiliency
o Reduces envy and jealousy; makes you less materialistic
o Makes you more optimistic
o Helps those with depression and those recovering from addiction
o Helps manage grief
o Contributes to happiness
Social benefits of practicing gratitude include:
o Strengthens relationships – family, romantic, and friends
o Fosters a robust and healthy social circle – because you attract people with similar mindset
Professional benefits of practicing gratitude include:
o Improves retention – because employees feel appreciated by their boss
o Enhances productivity - because employees are more motivated because they feel their work is appreciated
o Enhances relationships among employees
o Improves decision-making skills – because it improves patience and therefore allows you to be more logical
o Helps you feel more fulfilled
That's a lot of reasons to practice gratitude!
What benefit do you experience the most when practicing gratitude?
