In our modern times, we don’t like waiting. We expect instant everything…food, delivery service, internet service, answers, solutions, etc. We want to conquer the addiction, be financially stable, overcome the health issue NOW! Have you ever wondered if we’re missing out on something with all this immediate gratification? What happens when we don’t have to wait for anything?
Many Christians just began celebrating the season of Advent. Beginning on the 4th Sunday before Christmas, originally the church began this tradition to prepare its people for the second coming of Christ. Advent has evolved also into preparing our hearts for Christmas. Both interpretations involve a heavy focus on waiting.
Merriam-Webster defines waiting as “to stay in a place of expectation” and Oxford defines it as “the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens.” As counter-cultural as it seems, waiting is a good thing!
We will ponder waiting during this month’s Monday Musings.
